I received my Ph.D. in Molecular Cancer Biology at Duke University. During my Ph.D., I used intravital imaging to study breast cancer leptomeningeal metastasis in vivo, in real-time in mouse models of breast cancer. I also conducted preclinical work in the lab on integrating PI3K inhibitors into the treatment of leukemia CNS and systemic disease relapse. I am interested in identifying and targeting novel therapeutic vulnerabilities in tumor cells and in the tumor microenvironment. Please reach out for a complete CV.


Ph.D. in Molecular Cancer Biology

2018 - 2023
Duke University - Laboratory of Dorothy Sipkins, MD, PhD

Thesis Title: Neuronal mimicry promotes breast cancer leptomeningeal metastasis from bone marrow

  • Identified a novel pathway of breast cancer leptomeningeal metastasis using intravital imaging, CRISPR, immunofluorescence, and microCT.
  • Discovered a macrophage neuronal injury response program hijacked by tumor cells in the leptomeninges.
  • Identified and patented a novel target to treat leptomeningeal metastasis.
  • Conducted preclinical work on integrating PI3K inhibitors into the treatment of leukemia CNS and systemic disease relapse. Publication. Clinical Trial.

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Summer 2017
UCLA - Laboratory of Heather Christofk, PhD
  • Identified how growth factor receptors and ECM remodeling impact cancer cell metabolism

B.S. in Biochemistry

2015 - 2018
Cal Poly SLO - Laboratory of Katharine Watts, PhD

Thesis Title: Investigation of the biosynthesis of pentangular polyphenols in actinomycetes


Breast cancer exploits neural defense pathways for bone-to-meninges metastasis.
Whiteley AE, Ma DM, Wang L, Yu SY, Yin C, Price TT, Simon BG, Xu KM, Marsh KA, Brockman ML, Prioleau T, Zhou KI, Cui X, Fecci PE, Jeck WR, McCall CM, Neff JL, Sipkins DA. Science. 2024

Leukaemia: A model metastatic disease
Whiteley AE, Price TT, Cantelli G, Sipkins DA. Nature Reviews Cancer. 2021

Pan-PI3Ki targets multiple B-ALL microenvironment interactions that fuel systemic and CNS relapse.
Whiteley AE, Ridge SM, Yao H, Price TT, Brockman ML, Murray AS, Simon BG, Islam P, Sipkins DA. Leukemia and Lymphoma 2021

Extracellular matrix remodeling regulates glucose metabolism through TXNIP destabilization.
Sullivan WJ, Mullen PJ, Schmid EW, Flores A, Momcilovic M, Sharpley MS, Jelinek D, Whiteley, AE, Maxwell MB, Wilde BR, Banerjee U, Coller HA, Shackelford DB, Braas D, Ayer DE, de Aguiar Vallim TQ, Lowry WE, Christofk HR. Cell 2018

Compositions and methods for the prevention and treatment of systemic and brain parenchymal metastases.
Whiteley AE & Sipkins DA. Patent Pending. (filed March 7th 2023).


Intravital imaging (brain and bone marrow), whole mount imaging, flow cytometry, live cell imaging, cell engraftment into mice (tail vein and intracardiac), mouse tissue harvesting, intracardiac perfusion, IHC, microCT, immunofluorescence, 3D invasion assays, 2D migration assays, lentivirus expression systems, CRISPR, IVIS imaging, tissue culture, Western blot, PCR, qPCR, tissue IF, RNA-seq analysis in RStudio


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellow (F31)
NIH - 2021

NIH T32 Pharmacological Sciences Training Program
NIH - 2018

Outstanding Poster Presentation
Duke Pharmacology and Cancer Biology Annual Retreat - 2019

Academic Excellence in Biochemistry
Cal Poly SLO, College of Science and Math - 2018

Outstanding Learning Assistant
Cal Poly SLO, College of Science and Math - 2018


Ombudperson Search Committee
Duke Univeristy - 2022

Selection Committee for Gordon G. Hammes Faculty Teaching Award
Duke University School of Medicine - 2022

Student Director of the Amgen Scholars Program
Duke University School of Medicine - 2021

Duke Cancer Institute
Member and reviewer for internal grant review board - 2020 - Present

Student Conduct Board Member
Duke University. Special training for adjudication of harassment and discrimination violations.
2021 - Present

Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Duke Dept. of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Mentorship sub-committee.
- 2020 - Present

University Judicial Board
Duke University - 2019 - Present

Graduate Student Affairs Liaison
Duke University - 2019 - Present

Graduate Student Recruitment Committee
Duke University Dept. of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology - 2019